School Holiday Programs
Babies & Toddlers
School Aged

Term Group - Ready Set Go!!!

Term times:

The purpose of Ready Set Go is to:

1.  Assist children to develop the skills necessary for successful transition into school. (Foundation/Prep level)

2. Provide families with some strategies and resources to best support their child through this transition.

Group Goal:

For the children to develop their social, emotional, language and motor skills that will support the transition into school.

This includes skills such as sharing and playing with others, following instructions and using language skills to tell stories

Expected Outcomes:

1. The children will extend and consolidate their social skills in particular, being able to participate in groups, initiate and maintain play/interactions with peers, share and take turns in spaces and with equipment, follow a routine and accept other people’s ideas.

2.  The children will be supported to develop emotional regulation skills including labelling their emotions, detecting basic “body feelings” and trialling a variety of strategies to support regulation, safe interaction with others and overall classroom participation.

3. The children will develop communication skills to assist them to interact with others, share ideas and stories, contribute to group discussions and ask questions. They will also develop their ability to recall information and follow routines and instructions. Additionally the children will be introduced to early phonological awareness skills.

4. The children will be supported to improve fine motor skills though developing hand strength, opening packaging, manipulating classroom materials such as pencils, paper and scissors, foundational writing strokes and shapes, letter tracing and letter writing and cutting skills. Gross motor skills including basic ball skills and using playground equipment, posture and endurance in sitting activities.

Cost:  FROM $ 252.18 per week

Per term (10 week program) = FROM $ 2521.80.

* Indicative cost which will vary depending on the number of participants. The cost includes session planning, setup/pack up, writing of case notes and a report for your child at the end of each term.

* Ready, Set, Go is billed as a Program of Support. As stated in the NDIS Pricing Guide, when you enrol in a Program of Support, you will be charged for all scheduled sessions (listed above), regardless of how many sessions your child attends. You will require to give 14 days notice if you would like to cancel your child's booking.


during school/kinder term

Families who are joining a group for the first time are required to attend a 1:1 initial assessment session with a therapist/Early Childhood Teacher (ECT). This can be face-to-face, via telehealth or by phone.

To book into any of our school holiday group programs or assessment clinic:

Call us on (03) 5975 1820 or submit your booking enquiry via our contact form and we will book you in.

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For further information about NDIS, our services, and how we may be able to help you, please contact us.

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